Parent & Toddler


Information about the Parent & Toddler Class

This is a fun structured class where the child works with their parent/carer exploring the gym and it’s many exciting challenges.  The class is suitable for toddlers from walking up to and including 3 years old.  

There are qualified coaches on hand throughout the session offering guidance and support to the parents/carers.  The coaches will show parents/carers how to support their children whilst learning the basic gymnastics skills.

A variety of themes and music are used throughout the term to help develop and enhance all areas of learning. Children will develop their large and fine motor skills and learn how to balance and co-ordinate their body movements whilst learning about the world around them.

The learning environment  provided is safe and sociable, yet challenging.  There are many different pieces of equipment to use including bars, beams, vault and trampette as well as soft play equipment and small & large hand apparatus.

When your child is 3 years old, they will be ready for our popular Tots Class where the child works independently of their parent/carer in small groups of no more than eight children and each group is  lead by a coach.  By enrolling onto the Parent & Toddler course your child has priority over the waiting list for the Independent class!  However, your child will only move up if, a) there are places available, b) they are ready in terms of being able to follow simple instructions and c) confident working alongside a coach d) confident working without their parent/carers.  If you require more information or would like to book into a class, please email

Days and Times

Thursday            2.00 – 2.45pm (45 mins)

Course Fees

Course fees are paid a minimum of half a term in advance. The course fees below, are based on a 6 week term (half term) and a 13 week term (full term). Our terms are based around the Borough of Wandsworth School terms, therefore course fees will vary if the school terms are longer or shorter than 7 weeks.  Please see “Term Dates” for more information.

£49.37 (Half Term)
£101.54 (Full Term)
Weekly “drop-in” fee – £9.75 per child per session